March rolls around, and guess what happens at the health club? There are a few more spaces in the parking lot, more cardio machines to pick from and things are quieting down a bit. Old patterns resurface. That fierce lion-like passion to “take back charge of my life” has dwindled. A meek “Oops, I did it again” realization emerges. Out like a lamb.
My motto for 2016, established with vigor with the arrival of the new year, was “You are the guardian of your Joy.” I vowed to play more, “do” less and “be.” For a couple weeks, my plan seemed to be working. But life got in the way, and now, I humbly admit that old patterns have returned. Perhaps it’s time for a change.
If you can identify, you may want to try the assignment Barbara Brown Taylor gives her students at Piedmont College. The students are asked to make a list of the following. “Things I know that give me life” and “The reasons I don’t do them.” Want to play along? Make a 3-column list similar to this. Three, because I’ve added one more thing for you to contemplate: “What I’m doing to fill my tank today.” Survey your list; taking a couple minutes to breathe as you imagine the contentment you will feel when you participate in that which gives you life.
Having difficulty identifying what gives you life? If so, make a “retroactive” list. Take some time for reflection at the end of your day. What happened today that made you smile? What brought joy to your day? Add that to your list. Insert other items as you become aware of additional things that give you life.
Keep in mind that small things matter! What small thing will you do to take back guardianship of your joy and transform your life? For inspiration, check out this Ted Talk by Nigel Marsh.
You are the guardian of your Joy!