As I talk with clients, friends and family, a wide range of emotions are being expressed: Shock, disbelief, anger, blame, frustration, passivity, denial, hopelessness, powerlessness, hope, anxiety, worry, fear and more. Scientists and health professionals are telling us to take their recommendations very seriously to prevent the tragedy that has occurred in Italy as the Covid 19 spreads across the country. And yet, we are told not to "panic."
We all have our own ways of handling difficult situations, but this is one that most of us have never had to experience, or even dreamed of. Many are glued to the news, twitter, Facebook, etcetera, for the latest updates. Some admit they are "checking the news hourly" or have set their phone for even more frequent notifications. Others are choosing to ignore or deny that something is amiss.
In this blogpost, I'd like to focus on:
1. Solutions for managing the mind and body's response to anxiety, worry and fear.
2. A proposal for moving from "worrier" to being a warrior for the world.
3. Providing you a list of resources for self-regulation of body and mind (see the end of this blog). By the way, I hope to post additional resources on the Biofeedback Wellness Studio Facebook page as I learn about them. Here's the link for my business Facebook page if you'd like to "Follow" me for updates.
4. Also, to let you know that while I'm unable to do face-to-face biofeedback sessions due to Covid 19 restrictions, I'm now offering video sessions. Unfortunately, I won't be able to use instrumentation to monitor physiology, but I'm finding I can assess quite a bit visually related to breathing patterns and muscle tension. We can use a breath pacer app on your end, as well as a portable hand temperature monitoring device if you choose to order one ($25). And certainly, within the video sessions, we can use guided imagery and other relaxation experiences, along with an opportunity for you to voice your concerns. This will be an opportunity for you to become more aware of the "feedback" your body is giving you, with tools for calming unwanted responses. With the video sessions, I've seen a few bedrooms and cozy recliners. How great to practice calming stress responses in the comfort of your own home! Hmm...maybe I need to offer evening sessions for those having difficulty with sleep onset? I do miss the face-to-face connection, so as soon as it is safe to do so, I'll look forward to seeing you face-to-face in my new office, Suite 260, just one floor down from my former office.
Managing Anxiety, Worry and Fear
Step 1: Awareness: Pause and take note of the uncomfortable emotion. Without engaging with the emotion, you may want to name or label it.
"This is fear." "This is worry." "I'm really anxious." "I'm scared."
Step 2: Check in with the body: Is there a place in the body where that emotion is most noticeable? Scan for tension, inviting it to release or soften. Place a comforting hand on your chest or abdomen if you notice tightness or unrest in those areas.
Now try this:
- Take several slow, easy, belly breaths. Imagine a balloon in your lower rib cage, that gradually expands as you inhale. Not too deep. Exhale, releasing the air slowly.
- Now check in with shoulders, jaw, tongue, face, hips and back. Note any tension and allow it to soften.
- Invite your body to sink into the chair, bed or surface you're resting upon.
- You might even think to yourself as you breathe in: "Soften." And as you breathe out, "Soothe."
It is my belief that what we focus on grows. Focusing on anxious thoughts can lead to more anxious thoughts. Some might say fear breeds fear. Fortunately, positive energy and positive thoughts create more positive. I recall this scenario from an Al Anon meeting several years ago:
New group member: "I'm all caught up in the fear of what might happen next. It's wreaking havoc in my life and I don't know how to let go."
Seasoned Al Anon member: "Can you worry?"
New group member: "Yes, all the time it seems."
Seasoned Al Anon member: "So just change the subject."
"Changing the subject "can be as simple as using a phrase or mantra that matches the pattern of your slow, focused breathing. For example, think "Soften" as you inhale, and "Soothe" as you exhale. Or "Calming my body / Calming my mind." "Peaceful and Calm / Calm and Peaceful." What mantra will you adopt to ease discomfort during the Covid 19 chaos?
Find your "Inner Smile"
For those of you who have done a few biofeedback sessions with me, you may recall using my BREATHE acronym to access your "inner smile." Close your eyes and bring to mind something that makes you smile inwardly. This could be something that gives you pleasure, joy or that elicits a feeling of appreciation and gratitude. It could be a beautiful scene in nature, an animal or a pet, or a "feel good" warm memory. Something that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
This 4-minute Youtube link can serve as a guide as you breathe, release tension and experience your inner smile.
Move from Worrier to being a Warrior for the World
What other warriors have accomplished:
I'm not alone in my belief that positive energy and thoughts create. Here are some research stats and a link if you'd like to read more.
1993, Washington, DC: A 25% drop in crime rate was noted when 2,500 meditators meditated over specific periods of time.
1980s, during the peak of the Israel-Lebanon war: Harvard University organized groups of experienced meditators in Jerusalem, Yugoslavia and the United States to meditate and focus attention on the war area at various intervals over a 27-month period. The results? Levels of violence in Lebanon decreased 40-80% during the time a group meditation took place. During these periods, the average number of people killed during the war per day dropped from 12 to 3 (70%). War-related injuries declined by 68%.
From Worrier to Warrior!
How can we unite to move from being a "worrier" to a warrior for a healthier, more peace-filled world?
We do this by harnessing the power of heart energy. Most of you, during a biofeedback session, have watched the screen and noted changes in the heart pattern as you moved into a specific rate of slow, focused breathing.
Researchers at hypothesize that we can generate beneficial changes in the magnetic field around us with "heart-focused" breathing, thus influencing others and our surroundings.
Might I suggest a daily mindfulness practice that will help calm your own anxiety and worry, as well as offer healing to the planet.
Add your mantra, "changing the subject" in your head to a more positive one.
Here's one version:
May I be filled with loving kindness.
May I be safe.
May I be well in body and mind.
May I experience peace and joy.
May (someone you care about) be filled with loving kindness.
May (someone you care about) be safe.
May (someone you care about) be well in body and mind.
May (someone you care about) experience peace and joy.
May the world be filled with loving kindness.
May the world be safe.
May the world be well in body and mind.
May the world experience peace and joy.
May I be filled with loving kindness.
May I be safe.
May I be well in body and mind.
May I experience peace and joy.
A healthy attitude is contagious, but don't wait to catch it from others.
~ Tom Stoppard
Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence,
and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein, to be content.
~ Helen Keller
Resources for self-regulating your stress response
- You'll find my audio recordings here: Or you can Google Biofeedback Wellness Studio Youtube.
-Apps: "Insight Timer", "Calm", "Headspace", "Mindshift".
- There are many free audio meditations here: at
-Kristin Neff's Self-Compassion Break (7 minutes):
-More Kristin Neff offerings here:
- Scroll AND SCOLL down to "Guided Meditation sessions."
-The Playful Monk's guided meditation: "Opening to the Universe"
- For an introduction to Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT), click here.
- Hum or Sing to stimulate your vagus nerve and a relaxation response.
- Exercise! Yoga! Make music! Watch a funny movie! Soak in the tub!
- Walk! Walk mindfully, noticing the beauty all around you!
- Play a game. Read. Do a puzzle. Try a new recipe. Listen to the birds.
- Balance your time listening to the news with more uplifting choices: For example: Google Steve Hartman Kindness 101. Subscribe to the "Good News Network." And if you want to laugh, try Jim Gaffigan's recent video.
-Take a free class. For example:
I challenge you to choose something from the list, or use a tool you already have in your "toolbox" and practice daily, if not more.
I've not been an active Facebook user in the past, but hope to post additional resources on the Biofeedback Wellness Studio Facebook page as I learn about them. Here's the link for my business Facebook page if you'd like to "Follow" me for updates.