Here are some suggestions to help you get the most out of your meditation practice. Those of you with prior biofeedback training have an advantage, as hopefully, you are using these techniques already. Arrange yourself in whatever position is comfortable. Maybe you’ll find a quiet place in your backyard and use your smart phone to access these meditations. Begin your slow, easy and effortless diaphragmatic breathing. Do a body scan, moving head to toe, or toe to head, noticing and releasing muscle tension. Use affirmations to discourage intrusive thoughts. Pull in a pleasant image or memory that brings up feelings of joy, appreciation or gratitude. Aah. “I can calm my body. I can calm my mind.” Now, hit the start button and invite in the wisdom of your higher self as you continue to breathe, relax and be...
I invite you to join me in a 21-day meditation challenge offered by Deepak Chopra at the Chopra Center. The focus of this series is “Manifesting Grace through Gratitude.” Couldn’t we all use a dose of that! It starts Monday, July 13, so sign up today at You’ll receive a daily email with the meditation link.
Here are some suggestions to help you get the most out of your meditation practice. Those of you with prior biofeedback training have an advantage, as hopefully, you are using these techniques already. Arrange yourself in whatever position is comfortable. Maybe you’ll find a quiet place in your backyard and use your smart phone to access these meditations. Begin your slow, easy and effortless diaphragmatic breathing. Do a body scan, moving head to toe, or toe to head, noticing and releasing muscle tension. Use affirmations to discourage intrusive thoughts. Pull in a pleasant image or memory that brings up feelings of joy, appreciation or gratitude. Aah. “I can calm my body. I can calm my mind.” Now, hit the start button and invite in the wisdom of your higher self as you continue to breathe, relax and be... |
Welcome!There is so much to be learned about the mind-body connection. I love sharing tidbits that have worked for me or for my clients. Hopefully you will find something in these posts that will meet your needs. Perhaps an idea, or technique that may be helpful in moving you towards a more balanced state of being. Archives
May 2020